
OfficialwebsiteofCentralJapanRailwayCompany.ReadvariousinformationrelatedtoourcompanyandserviceandbereadyforyourvisitationtoJapan.,TheJapaneseGovernmentRailwayswerereorganizedasapubliccorporationcalledJapaneseNationalRailways(JNR)on1June1949.Thiswasamajorchangeinthe ...,JAPANRAILPASSisaticketofferedjointlybythesixJRGroupcompanies,anditisconvenientandreasonablypricedfortravelingthroughoutJapanb...

Central Japan Railway Company

Official website of Central Japan Railway Company. Read various information related to our company and service and be ready for your visitation to Japan.

Dawn of Japanese National Railways

The Japanese Government Railways were reorganized as a public corporation called Japanese National Railways (JNR) on 1 June 1949. This was a major change in the ...


JAPAN RAIL PASS is a ticket offered jointly by the six JR Group companies, and it is convenient and reasonably priced for traveling throughout Japan by train.

Japan Railways (JR) | Transportation

Japan's leading railway company, Japan Railways (JR), has an elaborate and well-established network of trains throughout the country.

Japan Railways Group

Japan Railways Group, principal rail network of Japan, consisting of 12 corporations created by the privatization of the government-owned Japanese National ...

Japanese National Railways

The Japanese National Railways abbreviated JNR or Kokutetsu (国鉄), was the business entity that operated Japan's national railway network from 1949 to 1987 ...

Japanese National Railways Standards (JRS)

Japanese National Railways Standards (JRS) were standards on goods of railways established by JNR. Goods which JNR purchased were not general-purpose industrial ...

Ministry of Railways (Japan)

The Japanese Government Railways (JGR) was the national railway system directly operated by the Japanese Ministry of Railways until 1949.